Tuesday, September 1, 2009


Well Aunt Hellen and i Are having a fabulous time here at home, we are eating 3 meals a day, she eats cereal, cheese sand witch and a frozen dinner. my meals normally consist of bagels, corn dogs, and burritos. YUM! this morning at breakfast aunt Hellen asked, "Where is Every one?" astonished i stared with my jaw open... i asked her if she remembered talking to Mary last night on the phone... she didn't. so i told her the various locations of all our family members. i hope she remembers... MISS YOU ALL!!!
HAHA i found this and thought it was funny.


  1. hahahha nice photo. that kinda makes me really sad that she forgot where everyone was; but good of you to update her. :/ MISS YOU!

  2. un be liv able wow thanks for the update zander. I know you are doing the best u can but can't u eat something else besides corn dogs and buritos! Wow that house must smell terific. See ya soon! Stay out of trouble.
